Williamsburg Winery Wines Now Sold in France
About a year ago, Françoise and I met Sabine Brochard, an absolutely charming friend. One of our French friends who lives in Washington, D.C. had made the introduction. Sabine was awarded the prize of being the top sommelier in France a few years ago when she was working for one of the iconic restaurants in Paris, La Tour D’Argent.
We had a wonderful conversation discussing the history of our project and the focus on improving soils. I had brought wine samples with us, and after a careful tasting with her friends, she gave us a cheerful nod of approval. She was also enthused about the conceptual approach that brought the Williamsburg winery to where it is today be it viticulture, winemaking, our human approach to our organization, or our focus on customer satisfaction.
On the 21st of October, Francoise and I were on our way back to France (for the third time this year) and, upon landing, drove straight to Orleans for a “degustation” in the vaulted cellar of Sabine’s wine tasting and fabulous food restaurant. That night, we received many questions and … compliments, and many wines were pre-purchased from the shipment that was to leave Williamsburg a few days thereafter.
The shipment is now safely being transferred to our guests of that first evening, with the balance in Sabine’s wine cellar at her retail shop.
We are formulating lots of projects to come resulting from this warm relationship.
In the meantime, we are expecting a shipment of 300 cases of specialty products from France and 200 cases from our Argentine contact as described in previous blogs. Products to bring cheers to the Holiday Season on both sides of the Atlantic.
Patrick G. Duffeler
Come see the many ways we’ve earned our place on the world wine map.
12PM - 7PM
Monday: 11AM - 3PM, Pasta Night 5PM - 8PM
Tuesday & Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 11AM - 3PM
Friday & Saturday:
Lunch: 11AM - 4PM Dinner: 5PM - 8PM
Sunday Brunch: 11AM - 4PM
*The Tavern will be closed Monday, Jan. 6th - Thursday, Jan. 9th for maintenance.
Monday: 12PM - 6PM
Tuesday & Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 12PM - 6PM
Friday & Saturday: 12PM - 7PM
Sunday: 12PM - 6PM
*Located in Colonial Williamsburg's Merchants Square
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